
Salutations, cutie pies! 👋

Welcome to my humble Interweb abode. Feel free to take a stroll around, make yourself comfortable.

Need some direction? DoingThings is a splash more info about what the hell is going on here, and Musings is a swell place to settle in for a spell.


My sister frequently wonders aloud at me if all I do is travel and eat. 

Of course not.

I also hammock and hike.

One of the things I do a lot since founding a couple rad design and web development companies 10 years ago, is focus primarily on web and marketing projects while managing the businesses. In this role, you’ll likely find me barefoot, my music loud, and espresso in my cup. But there’s more.

I’m passionate about what I do, but I work to live. And lately, I’ve been doing even more things than usual. Subsequently, lots of it gets forgotten and rarely shared with loved ones afar so I think I’m going to use this little nook of the web to share things. Because there’s just not enough content out there, right? Right??

As I do more and more things, I forgot more and more of it….but I also grow and evolve, like most people, and here I plan to force myself to write a bit about things I care about, promote rad shit, brain dump for nobody’s gain, and try not to take myself too seriously. Enjoy.

Be well, do good, and keep in touch 🤙 


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Why Specialty Coffee = Appreciating People

This post is going to be one I elaborate on in multiple phases, bringing more thought to the topic throughout many experiences. Appreciating Specialty Coffee, Appreciating People Since becoming an enthusiastic coffee fan from the sidelines for many years now, and subsequently delving deeper into the coffee scene,  I’ve developed a strong passion for what …


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